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How It Happened

In November 2003, the concept for our new gelato business was first birthed in the heart of Gerard Lombardo.

In January 2004, immediately following the decision to establish a gelato business in Phoenix, Arizona, Carl, Gerard and Peter Lombardo went to Italy, purposed to find the world's greatest maestro gelatiere (master gelato maker), who would be willing to permanently relocate to Phoenix, and produce his world class gelato here in the Valley of the Sun.

Our good Lord greatly blessed us in leading us to Sandro Proia. There are two gelaterias, in the historic district of downtown Rome, Italy, widely recognized as having a great and long-standing reputation, Della Palma and Giolitti.
Sandro Proia was the maestro gelatiere at Della Palma, where he was in his fourteenth year of service.

Sandro arrived in Phoenix in November, 2004 and lived in our home for seventeen months. During this time, Sandro imparted to Gerard and Peter his long treasured and cherished family recipes and production techniques. Gerard and Peter Lombardo are now, proudly and passionately producing Sandro's famous, world class gelato, in the perpetual sunshine of this most beautiful, desert city. Upon Sandro's return to Italy, the Lombardo brothers immediately moved the quality of Sandro's gelato to a new, previously unseen level of expertise, and they are now widely recognized as the world's greatest maestri gelatieri.
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